Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo’s Secrets to Holiness - 6/17/19
“This year, with the grace of God, I want to grow in holiness. I want to become a great saint and I want to do this quickly! By myself I can do nothing, but with God I can do all things.”
Spiritual Notes 01.01.1927
Mother Thecla's secrets for the spiritual journey include: Have great desires, be aware of your need for the Lord, yearn for the will of God, remember heaven, open your heart to the world, take Mary as your guide, believe that God embraces your nothingness.
Mother Thecla is the Co-Foundress of the Daughters of St Paul. Mother Thecla Merlo was a contemplative in action; a simple soul who knew her place before God and with her fellow sisters
Her life was one of continuous adhesion to the will of God We know, however, peak moments which showed the spiritual evolution that was taking place.
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